Among the superior alternatives available for an eco-friendly approach are the solar water heaters, also known as the solar domestic water heating systems. Besides being one of the best choices to get hot water for your home and business, solar water heaters are cost-effective. Designed in such a way to save you from high electricity bills, solar water heaters use abundant renewable solar energy as a fuel to heat water for washing, cleaning and bathing.
SAY SOLAR is acclaimed for providing the long-lasting and highly-efficient solutions for solar water heating systems.
Broadly, solar water heating systems are of two types:
- l Evacuated tube collector (ETC-based) solar water heaters
- Flat plate collector (FPC-based) solar water heaters
Evacuated tube collector (ETC-based) solar water heaters

Evacuated tube collectors comprise a number of single, transparent glass tubes which are connected to a header pipe. Unlike flat panel collectors, the cylindrical tubes are used instead of blackened heat absorbing plates. Instead of heating the water directly, air is removed or evacuated from the single tube creating a vacuum. This vacuum significantly reduces the heat losses to the atmosphere making the collector more efficient.
Flat plate collector (FPC-based) solar water heaters

In such systems, solar radiation is absorbed by flat plate collectors which consist of an insulated outer metallic box covered on the top with glass sheet. Inside there are blackened metallic absorber (selectively coated) sheets with built in channels or riser tubes to carry water. The absorber harnesses the solar radiation and transfers the heat to the flowing water.
Solar water Heater STD calculation chart.
No of Persons | Capcity in liter | Area |
Up-to 3 | 150 | 6ft x 6ft |
Up-to 5 | 250 | 6ft x 8ft |
Up-to 8 | 300 | 6ft x 9ft |
Up-to 10 | 400 | 8ft x 8ft |
Up-to 15 | 500 | 8ft x 9ft |